
Frequently asked questions

How do I get started?

Getting started is easy: just enter a list of your domain names and dot.bs will automatically detect your registrar, expiry, and current renewal price.

Next, we show you how much you could save and list the best registrar options for your domains. When you've made your choice, we make it easy to change registrars.

How much hassle is it to change registrars?
Well, you will need to spend a few minutes to change registrars. But dot.bs makes it as quick as possible:
  1. Get auth code from current registrar
  2. Enter domain and auth code at new registrar
  3. When prompted, enter dot.bs nameservers (ns1.dot.bs and ns2.dot.bs)
  4. Confirm transfer
That doesn't seem too bad, right? Because we host your DNS records, there's no tedious copy-pasting of DNS records in clunky UIs, and zero downtime for your websites.
How much money can I save?
Of course this depends heavily on the size of your portfolio and your current registrars, but to give an example:
  • 15 domains registered at GoDaddy.com
  • 10 .com, 3 .io, and 2 .xyz
You would save $133 + $106 + $26 = $265 per year by changing to cheaper registrars (prices taken from January 2024).
How reliable is dot.bs DNS hosting?
dot.bs is backed by ClouDNS. ClouDNS serves over two billion DNS queries per day, so I can confidently say your DNS is in good hands.
Do I really get free email?
Yes! In order to make this possible, there are some limitations.
  • A maximum of 5 email accounts per domain (unlimited domains)
  • A maximum of 5 outgoing emails per hour, per account (to prevent spammers)
  • A maximum of 75 MB storage per account
If these limits are a problem for you, please reach out and we can figure something out.
I have another question!
I'd be happy to hear it! Send me an email at info (@) dot . bs